
Saturday, August 6, 2016

How to Deal With Negative Energy Around You

Seems as if its been very long since I wrote anything here. But I am back with some awesome researches and ideas, which definitely can help you in mold your attitude in a positive one. 

Many times we hear people saying, "Man! I can never do this, I am good for nothing." or "No one loves me." or this one-"She is happier than me. My life is miserable." These are very common phrases we go through in our daily life. Every time one feels this, he becomes more and more miserable. Some times it ends in a horrific end, hurting either others or oneself.

They say,"Prevention is better than cure." We too advise the same to everyone. But did anyone ever thought why some of us are just unfazed of all troubles, always optimistic and happy?? Whether or not they actually are happy or it's just a fake smile.

The answer is, there are problems in lives of each and everyone of us. But what matters is how you handle your problems and manage them effectively, untying the difficult knots while maintaining a smiley. Everything that matters here is your positive attitude and energy in your surrounding environment.

Here are some pieces of jewelry as well as decorative items which are considered as a fuel like positivity to your engine like mind and soul !!

  • Hand Carved Quartz Angels:

Quartz stones can bear very high vibrations. These vibrations strongly resonate within the eight chakras. Putting it into your home, makes you feel calmer and happier. A touch of divinity pours out of every single corner of your soul. It is said that the quartz stone uncovers the spiritual gifts inside your heart and makes you optimistic towards your life. A person who have faced true side divine can never feel disappointed or sad. She builds faith in herself and creates a supportive environment.
You can purchase it HERE!
  • Carved Head Skull:
Seems scary, doesn't it?? Ha Ha !
But readers believe me, it will definitely help you to overcome your problems. They hold excellent qualities to take down the excess energy through the base chakra of soul. They are used to heal a person. 
According to online feedback we receive people use it very faithfully and they say that it proved to be a moral maker instrument. You can buy it HERE!

  • 7 Chakra Energy Healing Pendants:
    Image courtesy 
Chakra, meaning "Wheel" is actually an energy point in a subtle body. The origin of this concept is from holy anecdotes and books of India, mainly from the Vedas. Chakras are believed as a part of subtle body rather than physical body. Main Chakras are seven in numbers as mentioned in old traditions of the country, but different scholar have different opinion and are the points of massive energy in human body.
It is believed that one who has learned to control the energy of their body chakra and have full command on them, can do things just with brain power and sixth sense. Many people do this after long-long meditation practice. But others use this simple way- wear these 7 Chakra gem jewelry and pendants and  control you energy flow immediately.
Black Jasper With 7 Chakra Gem Stone
Lepidolite With 7 Chakra Multi Gem Stone
You can buy it HERE !

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